Why donate to DTL
Seeing the passion and drive of the Founder, the work the organization has put in so far and their mission, I am higly motivated to DTL.

Popular Funds
Patient Support
Patients are supported through house coutesy visits for moral support, financial support and continous education on breast cancer.
Awareness Campaigns
So far DTL has carried out 4 main awarenss camapaigns. 3 back home in Cmaeroon and 1 here wherein medical doctors did breast exams on the women present and a DTL representative gave talk on breast cancer.
Care Packages
– Face masks. – Hand sanitizers.
– Lip balms. – Socks, caps, scarves.
– OTC meds for constipation/dirrhea
– Water bottles. – Nusea meds.
– Non scented hydrated hand and body lotions.
About Your Donations, Where & How They are used
Dare To Live aims to create awareness on breast cancer especially among young women and to raise funds to support and provide resources to cancer centers in Cameroon.
Donations are used to help patients pay for treatment, purchase care packages for patients and also sponsor breast cancer awareness events.
PAULINE, 57 years old
Paulines’ cancer dates as far back as 13 years or so. She had puss oozing out of her nipples and had painful breasts too. She then went to the hospital for a consult and after testing, was told she had breast cancer. The doctor then advised her to have the breast cut off in order to prevent it from spreading but she was not in support of having surgery.
She decided to meet another doctor who gave her some medications which seemed to manage the situation for a while. She later resulted to Tianshi medications which she consumed for a while and they later became very expensive and unaffordable. As a result, she consulted with the Monk’s clinic at Foncha Street-Bamenda, where she was placed under some natural herbs. She was also advised to stop consuming eggs, meat, crayfish, sweet drinks and alcohol. Pauline has been under natural medication given by the Monks but still experiences the nipple discharge especially when she eats any of the things that were prohibited. Her nipple discharge is a mixture of blood, mucous and has an odor.
CLARICE, 35 years old
Clarice lives in Mbouda, in the Westen region of Cameroon, but goes for her treatment in Big Mbingo Baptist Hospital Bamenda which is in the North West. She is on her 4th round of chemotherapy and only gets to do her chemo sessions when she gets enough money. She is not financially stable but she says it is moving on well.
The team in Bamenda has visited her and they have paid for a chemo session. In the picture below is Clarice on the right and Milli from the team in in Bamenda.
ROMAINE, 45 years old
Romaine Florence born 1974 is 45 years old. She is an orphan and began having problems witz bd c h her breasts since age 13 and had to drop out of secondary school in form 3.
She used to sell fresh tomatoes at the Etoudi market in Yaoundé. She had 5 children but unfortunately 3 passed away and now she is left with two children; a boy aged 15 and a girl aged 12. She is an unwed mother and has been abandoned by all the partners she ever had.
Brigitte takes care of her, and takes her to hospital. She helps her with her daily activities including bathing and cooking her meals.
She was visited by the team in Yaoundé
SUZETTE, 18yrs old
On october 3rd, lumps were found in her breast ; two in the left and one in the right breast. Prior to the lumps being found, she had undergone surgery for cancer in her abdomen. She has been booked for surgery.
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