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Latest Past Events
Dare to live with Anjoh partnership with Clear Radiology.
We are united for a course that knows no boundary. Together we raise awareness, inspire Hope, stood strong, and keep standing against breast cancer.
January – 20 – 2024, Yaoundé Regional hospital and private visits.
Yaoundé Yaoundé, YaoundéDare to live with Anjoh visit of breast cancer patients and delivery of breast cancer care packages. A little help goes a long way. Inspiring through sharing????????
Mbingo Baptist Hospital 2022 – Care Packages
Mbingo Baptist Hospital Mbingo Baptist Hospital, BamendaMbingo Baptist Hospital 2022. Care packages distributed to patients undergoing treatment and they showed immense gratitude and how much the envelopes were going to help them for their feeding and some their medications. This was one many times DTL touched the hearts of many suffering from breast Cancer at Mbingo Baptist Hospital